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Offset Disc Plough for sale

Get Best Disc Harrow at affordable prices with excellent features

What are disc harrows and its uses?

A disc harrows is a very industrious and functional agriculture tool that helps professionals and familial gardeners in tilling the soil over the land. While it as well chops away ineffective weeds and eradicates any crop filtrate (roots). ATVs, also known as quad-bikes, are being widely used by expert gardeners these days. It helps you plow acres of lands within minutes nonetheless; the competence of tilling depends on the category and superiority of disc harrow you attach with the ATV.

The Offset Disc Harrow has a heavier mass per Disc and so has the diffusion aptitude to break down hefty clods usually left after disc ploughing or Chisel Ploughing on hard grounds. Moreover it is of vigorous edifice, used as mounted or trailed and perfect for chopping and integration of stubbles and crop remains in the soils. As a result the Disc Harrow prepares for the seed-bed parting the soil in a grainy form which is the most appropriate structure for plant enlargement. It aerates the soil, assists to protect dampness for longer periods, and eliminate weeds. In sandy loam soils, this execution can also be used as prime tillage execution, the profundity of ploughing is synchronized merely by manipulating the offset slants of the gauges. By removing only a pin, the mounted posse can be rehabilitated into a trailed position and vice versa.

tractor disc plough

Specification of Disc Harrow

Disc harrow is prepared of a grave frame and encircling blade type discs are closed with it. Several discs can vary counting 14, 16, or 18. More the discs more authority is requisite to run it. In Pakistan commonly tractors used for disc harrow are New Holland 640, NH Dabung, MF 375, and MF 385. These tractors contain 75 to 85 horsepower engine.

Types of Disc Harrows

When you are looking for harrows farm apparatus for sale, you require choosing from assorted varieties obtainable in the market. There are lots of diverse kinds of disc harrows and they can be classified as per their maneuver mode in the following ways:

  • Single action disc harrow has 2 disc gangs prearranged in conflicting directions, to heave soil in, unlike directions.
  • Double action disc harrow is consisting of two or additional gangs. Discs from front gangs work in such a mode, to chuck soil in 1 direction, while discs on the rear gangs pitch the soil in the opposed direction and it frequently covers the width ranging from 5 to 15 ft.
  • Offset disc harrow has two gangs built-in after one another and working in tandem. It has harrow placed offside of the tractor so it is not in the identical column of pulling the tractor.
  • Disc harrows can also be confidential as per the disc diameter such as light disc harrows, middle disc harrows, and heavy disc harrows.

Components or Parts of a Disc Harrow

Disc Harrow consists of diverse parts scheduled under:


The dished smooth disk with square holes in the hub is commonly used. These Discs have self-sharpening features but the boundaries may occasionally become dulled due to bumpy usage on Stoney field locations. The blunt edges grant deprived diffusion and cutting. In such a state, it is essential to ground the edges with a moveable electric grinder.

Most Disc Harrows encompass wonderful round disc shape. In some cases, there is the heavy scum left on the field and weighty trash cutting is compulsory.  Furthermore the serrated discs are a retort to such an obligation. These Disks are accessible in the assortment of 16″-24″ diameter. Most of the contemporary ploughs utilize diameter sort of 1″-24″.

Disc Gang:

Disc Gang is shaped with 3-13 discs accumulated on a square ray called Gang Shaft or Gang Bolt. The spacing among the discs falls between 6″-9″ with emits iron spools.


Every gang of discs wants a square frame

  • Disc Bearing
  • Disc Bumper
  • Scrapers

These are positioned on the harrow disks to scrap out any soil material which has hot stacked.

Weight Boxes:

In a few Disc Harrows, a box is fastened in which weights are sited for superior dissemination into the soil.

How can you guarantee the quality of the harrow is greatest?  

The excellence of a harrow depends on the edifice material used. Preferably, a harrow should be constructed using high-intensity steel with a heavy measurement. The axle should be rationally sized, fixing nuts should be anti-skid and bearings must come with double-sealed groves. Moreover a harrow with features inferior to this is not good superiority and will only remain undamaged for a slighter phase.

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